Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guys and girls I really need some advice on my ex? please?

what? ? ?Guys and girls I really need some advice on my ex? please?
Have some self respect. Find a guy who likes you for being you and isn't going to mess with your head, heart or anything else. Don't just go having sex for having sex sake, you have the rest of your life to have all the sex you want with someone who respects you. He told his m8 about you both, thats just him bragging he has a notch on the bed post, he sounds pathetic. Be his friend by all means but as for him being boyfriend material forget it.Guys and girls I really need some advice on my ex? please?
too long
OK first off I don't think you should have had sex with a guy you dated 2 years ago and just talked to him and than decide to sleep with him. It kind of seems to me that the guy really doesn't care about you or he would have talked to you since you asked about it. If he didn't do anything i don't think he would have been as mad as he was. I think you just need to move on and let this guy go. He may seem nice with you but he seems like a *** hole when he's with his friends. Move on honey.
was he worth you? did he respect you? r u willing to let him sleep with you again... even if he has another girlfriend and he is sleeping with her? Is it worth it?

i would go to his party... i mean you were invited!! besides you could talk to him there face to face!

good luck! this is crazy hard!
give him a gift, tell your friends that hes a cool guy in front of him

ask him to watch a movie at the theaters w/ you ....... hope you come back

together : ) Good Luck
he doesn't sound very nice to me

do what a bear would do in this situation and steal his picnic basket
You said he called it off the first time. Sometimes that is all a guy wants is sex. They can wait for it if they choose. He waited, it didn't happen, he broke up with you and then tried again. He gauged your responses to see if you still like him, he tried again. He conquered you.


Perhaps he didn't think any of the things i mentioned but he may be upset that you didn't trust him and he was being honest.


He was bragging and told you no because he's a liar and he really didn't intend on being with you or talking to you.

Don't worry about him. Move on. So he was your first but that won't ever make him the best. Save the second time for someone you KNOW cares for you. If there is any question about it then you shouldn't be doing it. You should never have to wonder about the intentions of the other person. He wasn't your boyfriend when you had sex with him so it sounds as if he never had intentions of talking to you after. Sounds like he used you. Next time make sure you are with your boyfriend who you had been with for a while. Not your ex. Ex's are ex's for a reason. They should stay ex's.

Good luck.
assuming you dump already.Now move on with your life
That sucks. In this case only you can choose what to do. You know deep down whats right and what isn't. Listen to yourself.
just move on its better for you.

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