Sunday, August 22, 2010

What do you guys think of this i need your advice?

A girl who lives next to me likes me (I don't know her but i'd like to get to know her). She keeps telling my MOM how cute i em, and how she wants to be with me. The thing is i talked to my 2 cousins about HER. They said they have heard things about her that she is DIRTY and had already slept with so many guys already at age of 15.

I talked to my mom about it, and she said that's BS that my cousins are saying and that the girls mom is strict with her and rarely let's her out. The thing is every time my cousin knows about a female trying to get with me he says ';She's a slut right away';. One time he was saying this about a girl so i'd had to let her go, next thing i know he's going out with her!.

Who would you believe your mom who's good friends with the girls mom or both of your cousins one a guy, and one a female????What do you guys think of this i need your advice?
your moms girl wants to bone you. no but id believe your cousins cause there your guyses age and they hear the dirty details about people....i dont think people go and tell your mom about ppl acting like sluts...but in the end its your decision who gives a f what anyone else thinks...sounds like whoever u date is dating your whole fam too.. the truth is tho if you have to question a descision u want to make then it prob isnt the right one.What do you guys think of this i need your advice?
I think you have to make your own judgements about her, you can't let other people influence your decisions when it comes to anything in your life, let alone women. Date her, go out with her, and you decide if she is a ';slut';. She could be the one for you, but you won't know until you go out with her and make your own judgement. Listen to what your heart says, and it seems to me it says ';go out with her'; don't listen to your cousions. You would be suprised how much your mom knows about life.
i think i'd weigh it- but i'd definitely take your mom's advice. she's your mom and she loves you- she doesn't want you going out with sluts either.

but you said it was your male cousin who said that she was a slut- how about your girl cousin? does she lie too, or is she telling the truth?

up to you, dude, but i say give this girl a chance. she sounds sweet and it sounds like you like her too. :)
Mother's aren't exactly in the loop when it comes to stuff like this. Listen to your cousins! i'm not saying blindy trust them because that's not a smart way to live. Just take what they say and then ask around to see if it's true. Ask kids your own age, not anyone's parents.
Parents are soo naiive these noone.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.


Why don't you find out for yourself!!!!

Don't believe either just be nice and go from there if you like her then cool it really doesn't matter about her past just protect yourself if it goes to that level.
You should believe your mom..duh! Your mom's not going to hook you up with some dirty skank. And your cousin is probably lying because he likes her and he wants to keep you away.

Just talk to her..gosh.
i'd say trust your mom,your cousin sounds like he wants to get with her,i mean look what happened the last time you said it yourself.
Try talking to other people who know her. You should be able to find out easily that way, and if everything seems that it was all BS then goodluck to you man.
I would believe my mom. They are trying u not to get involved with anyone. So u decide whom to trust
Not the cousins...thats for sure! They are sabotaging you...
go talk to her and find out stop being a little girl and listening to people

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