Sunday, August 22, 2010

GUYS..I NEED HELP! i am getting married in may last week. i need to get thin than this..pls advice?

my weddin date is 30th may. whats the best way to slim down fastGUYS..I NEED HELP! i am getting married in may last week. i need to get thin than this..pls advice?
Fastest, and not healthiest, cut what you eat in half (or more). Drink only water.GUYS..I NEED HELP! i am getting married in may last week. i need to get thin than this..pls advice?
I agree cut down but also eat as healthy as possible. Replace things with fruit andvegetables but also hit the gym. Working out and exercise is tried and true!!! Best of luck to you and hey this very basic advice is truly all you need to know and the rest is all you!! Seriously, best of luck and oh yea if you continue even after and include your new wife for positive healthy relationship. Not to mention what they say about how getting fit improves a persons sex life. GOOD LUCK!!! SISE PUEDE!!
if you don't go to the gym, start going for a walk/run every evening. Try to go as far as you can as fast as you can. Just remember to regulate your breathing and if you get a cramp, just slow down and walk. Start doing ab and glute exercises. (you will have to google this) I know Squats are good too. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast every day. Eating less is not healthy and doesn't always work. Cook for yourself as much as you can. Get the healthest foods you can ( fish/chicken) and eat it as plain as you can. Adding extras makes it worse.
Eat 6 VERY small meals a day. Fresh and RAW vegetables is best, only one (preferably lunch) to include SMALL amount of meat for protein. Steamed chicken or tuna. LOW carbs!! Minimal FAT!! (If any... but you do need some... or you'll be pale and exhausted and sickly looking on your wedding day.)

ALSO, shakes work great. I don't know where you're from but Tony Ferguson (in Australia) is FANTASTIC! I'd replace 3 meals a day and eat a piece of fruit or veg inbetween. This is considered healthy for people who are morbidly obese or have diabetes.

OR, if you're obese, go to your GP and ask for Duromine or Xenical. These can have some REALLY BAD side effects so be careful.

AND, of course, as others have said, drink heaps of water and exercise. If you can only walk or run once a day, mornings are best, about half hour before breakkie.

And, the best tip I can give you.... DO NOT EAT after 7pm at night! Or at least 2 hours before you go to sleep! If you're strong don't eat after 6pm and go to sleep no later then 8pm.


Oh, btw, I've tried these all and although I'd always recommend to be healthy with diet and exercise, if you're looking for a quick fix... the answers are there.
it is said that man can live for 30 days without food, but need water. So yes go on a very strict diet. Eat light meals, and go for walks after dinner. It is very important to drink lots of water. I say this with confidence. I am a body builder and have been very overweight. Now I have a body that people would die for. I eat very healthy, and workout often. I am not sure of how over weight you are, but I am telling you, that you need to stay away from fatty foods, and drink tons of water.
Walking everyday for thirty minutes. If you still have a little extra try investing in a body suit(it will not be noticeable) I wore one when I was a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding b/c I could not fit in my dress(it turned out I was three months pregnant), but it worked fine.鈥?/a> Wal-mart and other stores also sell these.
good luck if your heavyset wont happen..but you can drink lots of water melons and veggies NO SWEETS
just run alot but do yourself a fav dont come back

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