Thursday, August 19, 2010

So you guys..I need your help...I need some advice.?

Okay so..Im giving myself 1 get thinner...and everything...i've lost 30 pounds in 1 month before..and im willing to do it again...but i just wanna know what you guys have to say about some of you who have lost weight...what did you guys do??? I have a treadmill,an eliptical and an ab should i rotate these items in my daily exercise and how long should i use them for the be looking really good in 1 month maybe 2??? Please help me??? Let me in on some advice!? I appreciate it.So you guys..I need your help...I need some advice.?
If you're looking to loose weight, forget the ab lounge. It will tone muscles, but concentrates solely on one muscle group, even if they tell you otherwise. As far as the others, it depends on your stamina, I would reccomend warming up at a slow pace on each machine(20 min), then finish up full tilt(40-60min/ or until you can't keep going). If you wanna loose really fast, find a local sauna, get the heat to a comfortable sweat, and do some simple excercises during your session(sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, thrusts, shadowboxing, anything to keep your entire body as active as possible the whole time.) You can loose 3 pounds in 2 hours in the sauna this way, just be careful, if you feel at all faint, or even just a little 'weird', get out, quickly.So you guys..I need your help...I need some advice.?
Losing 30 pounds in a month in a healthy sustainable way is not a realistic goal. Crash dieting to get that much weight off that quickly leads to your weight yo-yoing back and forth. Each time you gain it back it will be harder to get it off again. 60-90 minutes of cardio at 70-80 percent of your max heart rate (220minus your age times .70 or .80) plus weight training 3-4 days a week and a healthy diet.
Do 30 minutes of cardio everyday (treadmill/eliptical).

Lift weights every other day (muscle burns calories).

Use the ab lounge on the days you don't lift.

Limit your carbs to complex carbs.

Keep your calories to 1500.
get some spray tan, or go to a tan booth. be careful.
Men and women lose weight differently for some reason, so what works well for me may not help you in the least.

Losing 30 pounds in a month, especially in the heat of the summer can cause heat stroke and/or severe dehydration.

I feel the advice you seek would be better found in the advice of a professional trainer as opposed to a website such as this.(no offense intended to anyone)
These sites have really good workout tips:
30 lbs in 30 days doesn't sound so healthy :/
30 pounds in a month is not healthy....don't concentrate so much on how much weight.. just start eating right and working out daily and you will loose in the right way...

go Jr go

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