Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guys--Is this normal? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?

This guy likes me for a while now. We are going to the same college. He always stares at me and smile. We are not classmates, but I always run into him a few times per day. Everyday he goes to where I work and look at me. Sometimes, he trys to start a conversation with me, but I can tell he is very shy.

This morning, I wore tight clothes --it shows my figures. He was staring for a long times. Then, he got so excited and shoken the table. He also made some weird noises. I guess he is horny.

Sorry English is my second language.

Is this normal? Thank you.Guys--Is this normal? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
its not strange he likes you. Guys are very visual and if they think your attractive they'll stare or watch...whatever you wanna call it, whenever they dont think your watching.Guys--Is this normal? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
Run Run for your life away from this guy
ok the beginning was ok considering he just stares and smiles meaning he admires you...but the noises and horniness is a little creepy!!! talk to him and tell him how you feel aboiut he situation but be sure to be with a friend b/c people can be really weird! good luck
o yes it is

he likes you but I think a little too much

I think this guy is kind of a freak...

I would try to stay away

Yes this is normal! He really likes you....... A guy who finds a girl attractive can not help but to stare..... You probably notice that when you catch him staring that he will either look away quickly---- Shy and hoping you did not notice or he will have the biggest smile on his face........ The guy is most definitely attracted to you!
Yeah everything u said might be true about this guy. if he is shy to not even have a conversation with u then its probably been a long time since he has talked to a girl been in a relationship and have had sex or he might b a virgin, so really confront him and get to know him becuz he isnt going to approach u until he gets enough confidence so instead of waiting for him go for him a little bit not alot to look desperate and thirsty but enough that he knows u r interested.
totally normal.... i think happend to me once
Uh, he definitely likes you, but I would reconsider who he is as a person.
Well, as you guessed he is excited, I would assume.

Th wierd noises and shaking table might be what you think they are, or could she be him showing his nervousness. I ned you to consider a few things:

1.Did you wear those clothes to deliberately turn him on?

2. Do you want him to get turned on thinking of you?

3. What are your intentions regarding him?

If you are playing with him, I suggest you stop right now. It is cruel and manipulative to do that. True, he is responsible for his own actions, but you must not tease: it gets you a bad reputation.

You mentioned that he is shy, and that he likes you. Those are certainly true You do not mention if he is Chinese too (I assume you are by your screen name). Westerners are probably less likely to be in this situation: our culture is exposed to sexuality to that level (tight clothes) a lot, though American culture is extremely immature in it's atitude (all 'big boobs' and so on).

Assuming he likes you, how do you feel? Be clear when you tell him how you feel: if what happened makes you uncomfortable, it needs to be dealt with. You do not seem upset though, judging by what you have said.

You need to work this out, and soon.

Hope it all goes well.
well,if he tries to talk to you and stares at you. i think he is interested in going out with you.but,the shaking the table and making noises is weird.that is not normal.if i like a girl i dont think shaking things and making noises is going to help me.it sound like stupid reactions.
yea its normal everything like that is normal
Sounds like he is just a shy guy, and it sounds definately normal, except for maybe the weird noises he may have been making.

He wants you but doesn't know how to go about it. If he wants you badly enough he will make a move eventually.
just try to talk to him he might open up to u
yes its normal why dont you ask him out to a movie
He sounds weird.
It's all normal except for the part where you haven't asked him out yet.
omg that's gross and no i think he might be weird or something ... why would he make noises???
oh ya he has a major jones for you. you should try talking to him and maybe get him to settle down a bit. you must be pretty hot if he is that shook up over you. but ya get him confortable with you a bit , talk to him.
No it's not ---- not at all. What a freak?


Trust me you can do a lot better ---- A LOT BETTER. . . :-)

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