Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can anyone offer their advice(Guys too)?

Why would your guy risk an relationship for his female friends. I dont think they should be talking on the phone I think that it should be more a hi and bye thing im more of a friend that he will ever need, so why the friends? So i basically put my foot down and told him goodbye, Im also a leo and he is an aquarius, is this bad pairing? or am I being too selfcentered?Can anyone offer their advice(Guys too)?
okay yeah... i love horoscopes but i would never not date someone just because our signs don't pair well. i think its a little over the top to kick him to the curb for talking to friends... and he can't have just you as a friend it doesn't work that why.. though i see why your upset with him talking to other girls. but if he's just talking its not so bad. if he's given you a reason not to trust him then asking him to not be around female friends without you there is okay.Can anyone offer their advice(Guys too)?
Just because you're are dating doesnt mean that he cant have female friends. I had a similar problem a few months ago. you have to trust him. And its good tio have a variety of friends. No one can offer everthing that is needed in a friendship.
Horoscopes do not mean a damn thing my dear-guys can have all kinds of friends including girls. That does not mean that he wants you and that also does not mean he wants to ruin his current relationship. He is looking for a person that he can trust to tell everything too and for advise. Dont be so self centered.
Well you obviously don't like him that's for sure?
if his female friends were in the picture before you then you have no right to give him that kind of ultimatum. its not like its some chic he met on the way to the barber shop and thought she has a fat *** and just decided to exchange numbers this is an actual friend. if i was him and you gave me that kind of decision to make id say goodbye to you too. aquarians are air signs which means that you can't try and tie them down like that if they choose to be with you then thank your lucky stars but as soon as you try to lock them in with demands and things that's when they pretty much decide that its over.
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