Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hurting rebound guy. advice? and why did I had to get my heartbroken?

I was the rebound guy in a relationship with my girlfriend.I was lead to believe I was the only one but the ex was always in the background from day one.

Why did I have to get my feelings hurtHurting rebound guy. advice? and why did I had to get my heartbroken?
And i agree with you, is like they use you for there own pleasure then dispose of you as they please.....i mean whats so hard about saying hey i still have feelings for my ex but i like the way you look and need some one to spend time with and keep me company if your down to have a relationship with no strings attached then im ur guy if not then im warning you now i have no intentions of making this relationship serious......and if they feel to bad being honest..then they should just waite till there heart heals and there ready to move on....but unfortunately ppl specially guys dont feel this way..there to proud to admit they still love some one who did them dirty or whatever whatever was the case they broke up for....and vice verse with girls......sorry to hear that next time be more carefully who you open up with...give yourself time to really get to know the person..and always always always even tho ppl say the past doesn't matter...always know about there passs....Hurting rebound guy. advice? and why did I had to get my heartbroken?
because you were thinking like a women ( on emotion ) and not like a man ( on logic )

1. as a rebound, you know of the bat it's not going to work, as rebound relationship are in it for all the wrong reasons, so you get your hopes attached to it

2. if the ex was ever present in any form or capacity from the start, then from the start you are number #3 in the pecking order of things ( the ex, her and then you ), and being number 3 is never beneficial in nay relationship

3.the fact that you failed to apply logic to all of it, is the reason you got hurt, but more over, you lack self respect and self esteem, and as such would have never gone for such a girl if you did.
many woman and men are not secure enough to stand on their own so when a relationship end they jump into another right away,the rebound relationship,Then they realize sometimes the old is the perfect relationship remembering all the reason it was good and none of the reasons they left.Sometimes it is easy to go back to what you know then starting over .Being totally unfair and inconsiderate for the person they are involving .
I hate hearing about this. Males are always the ones made out to be the love rats but girls are just as bad- if not worse. She may not realise what she's done, but warning bells should have rung when the ex was stil on the scene??

You need to be with your friends/family at times like this. It'll help take your mind off it and you can all have a good moan about her!

The worst thing to do is pester her, like text/call her. Because then she's going to think you're a psycho, I know this sounds logical. But there can be times where all you want to do is tell them how much they've hurt you. You need to be the mature one, as it seems she hasn't been.

This isn't easy and I know nothing anyone can say will make you feel any better.

Just stay strong- it'll all work itself out in the end. I promise :)

I'm sorry for your pain.

There is a song called Everybody Plays The Fool. It's sort of an old school tune but there is an eternal meaning behind it. Part of the lyrics say, ';now you cry, but when you do, next time around someone cries for you.'; Life has this cycle of pain and happiness, and if you're a believer in Karma, believe you both will get what you deserve. Her heart will be broken, and you will find true love. Believe it.
Most of the time when you are the rebound person...it almost always NEVER ends well...

They need someone to pacify the pain of leaving the ex and you are in it because you really want to be.

Next time you will know what you are getting yourself into and probably won't invest so much time/feeling into it at first.

There are other fish in the sea...don't let one fish get you down. I'm sure you'll find someone in no time.

Use the time to do things for yourself...the right woman will come along...

Good Luck!
Stop feeling like the victim.

It's your fault too.

You should have known. This is what happens when people get into relationships without knowing the other person.

That's why you date a person for a little while before being bf/gf.

You can't possibly hurt that bad, sounds like you didn't even know what was going on with her.
You're right, they shouldn't say that. The world is not perfect nor is it fair. Everybody gets their feelings hurt at one point or another...it is inevitable. This girl is gone and she will always be tainted in your mind. There is nothing you can do but let go and move on. Suck it up and be a man.
Sorry to hear Ron.

Every man and woman goes through at least one shitty rebound thing, and are crushed when it falls apart.

Just chalk it up to experience. And remember how nice it is to love somebody - then find a good relationship.


bro, that is the consequence of loving somebody. im sorry for your hurt, but hey charge it to experience. love and hurt goes together. everytime you love, expect to get hurt. who says its easy after all. i want you to meet my very best friend, jack... jack daniels..
aww im sorry that had to happen to you. I've been in that situation before where I was the rebound girl.

dont worry tho, there's plenty of other girls! and trust me karma is a B****, that stupid chick will get what she deserves. One day she'll be the rebound girl and get her heart broken too.

Keep ur head up! and have fun.. you'll get a NEW girl:)
Unfortunately, that's the risk you take when you fall for someone. Next time, you'll have a better idea what signs to watch for.
That sucks! This girl is obviously confused. Put this behind you and move on to find someone who is totally into you and only you.
people are jerks... its a fact of life. The girl needed a service and you helped her out... think of it that way. She placed her happiness over yours
Yeah it hurts, but chalk it up to experience. You'll know what signs to look for next time.
it happens, hun. just move on. everything will be okay in the end.
am sorry thats just what girls do sometimes... perhaps be more careful in the future? maybe she dated u too soon after the ex..? you poor thing itll get better
Someone did it to her probably.

before my grandfather died he always said to my brother %26amp; I growing up ';Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship %26amp; love is a plant slow in growth %26amp; more beautiful with time. It must undergo %26amp; withstand the shocks of adversity %26amp; life's hurdles, before it is entitled to the appellation.';
it happens
hey bro girls are b*tches your good old hand always works.
Move on. She wasn't for you. You will find someone better

how much He wanted you to see Him when He allowed all this
because women are bitches. at least kno u got away when u did. u'll find sum1 that wants u soon enough, good luck pal
same ******* thing happened to me.. and girls wonder why we turn out to be whores sometimes.... ahh the coincedence
Because you were a Pu$$Y. man up!

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