Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Guys and girls, please help me I need urgent advice..?

Okay. So I've been liking this guy for a while now...and he is finally giving me some STRONG hints that he likes me back..well, I'm not sure if it's that he likes me back...but maybe he wants something. You see, I haven't seen him for a long while now and I told him I wanted to see him and he's been telling me that he wants to see me and do stuff with me. You know what I'm tlaking about. The thing is, I'm not ready to do that. But I really like the guy, and I wouldn't mind him being my first...it's just that I don't find myself ready, but I'm afraid to lose him...and I just want to tell him the truth, but can't seem to find the right way to say it...I mean, I don't mind making out with him, but for now, I wouldn't want to go any further...suggestions? help? please?Guys and girls, please help me I need urgent advice..?
then let him know you like him but you're not ready...if he really like you for who you are and not just want to have sex with you...then he'll understand...if he just want you for sex then he'll back out.........then you'll know he's a jack@$$ just move on to the next guyGuys and girls, please help me I need urgent advice..?
The best thing I can tell you is to sit down and tell him everything that you feel. If he really cares about you he will listen, but if you think that you won't be able to handle that then write a note and give it to him. That way you can let him know everything without actually talking to him and if he has something to say after that about the letter you can handle it as it comes up.
Well if you're not Ready, Tell him...and if he really likes you he';ll understand, but you have to stop all the kissing as well,

that's just playing with his feeling...
Just tell him you want to do it with him but you are not ready. If he leaves, then he is not the one. You shouldn't feel pressure into doing it.
dont do it hes probably a sexual predator he just wants you becsause he wants to do it
just remember to respect your self because if you feel one way dont let anyone change or push you to change... even if you like this guy do you really know him well? get to know him 1st dont even start hooking up yet because to guys that's a 10 yards down only a couple more to go .. you know? .. soo just start slow and see if he really means what he says.. and if he doesnt then you might as well ither find a way for him to like you for you or find a guy that you think and know is better and likes you for you ..

well good luck and hope that everything will work out!

if he just wants to use you for sex then he's not worth it.

if you really like him..date him.. make him establish a relationship not based on sex..

if he's faithful and is strong without intercourse for as long as you want then he's worth it. . if not..throw him out!
You may like him a lot, and think that having sex with him will definitely seal the deal in getting him as your boyfriend, but don't believe that. You need to stay true to yourself. If you are not ready, do not have sex!!! Wait until you feel the time is right. Plus, any guy that you have to 'win over' by having sex with them, is not a guy you want to be with. If he really likes you, and really cares about you, he will understand if you want to wait. Believe me, you want your first time to be special. And this situation sounds like it has the potential to end in heartache.
CONFIDENCE, tell yourself you don't care what people think and by asking him out, you know you can make the relationship work. if you feel you would be in a good state if you were with him then you're ready. trust me.
Tell him your not a slag and aren't willing to offer it to hom on a plate. He's gotta work a bit harder for your lovinng. Whay i mean by working harder is to be in a relationship with you. If he likes you he'll be relieved and happy you asked, otherwise he's just looking for a shag and i think if he's your first you will seriously regret it (have friends who have been in the same situation as you)!

If you lose him because you don't sleep with him he is a shallow shallow man... well boy more like and you don't want to keep in contact with someone like that anyway. He is capable of waiting. When i was 17 i went out with a guy for a few months that was in his early 20's (yea i know :S, actually there were 2 guys in their early 20's) and none of them pressued me.... so they are caoable believe me. You've just gotta tell them you not ready yet, that should be all you have to say, you don't have to explain yourself to them, they should except it and except it or move on.

Find a guy who's willing to wait is my advise. I met my boyfriend of a year on my 18th bday and he didn't even ask or hint at sex till about 6 months in (other stuff about 4/5 months in). Seriously JUST kissing from him for 4 months, from an 18 year old non-virgin. And that was because he was scared of pushing me or scaring me off etc. Hunny he sounds like he'll abuse you and lose you.
It's a bad sign if before even seeing you, he's trying to get you into bed. It sends up some red flags that the way he thinks of you might be no more than a sex object.

If I were you, I'd talk to him and be totally honest about your feelings and what you're ready and not ready to do. Gauge his reaction to decide if his intentions are for sex only or not.

You can also do this by suggesting that you hang out somewhere more public first and NOT going home with him afterwards. If he agrees, is happy about it, and calls you again, it's a clear indication that he wants to be with you, not just your vagina.

If it turns out that he really doesn't have your best interests and happiness at heart, I would tell him that you just want to be friends. Don't compromise yourself for anyone else. You're only eighteen and have lots of time to find the right person for you.

I really hope that it works out well and you get what you want!
do it!
ok, first. JUST KISS HIM. his lead will make you a fab kisser anyway...

and secondly, dont worry about telling him for now, and if it does come up in coversation, just tell him your not ready. if he isnt willington to wait for you, he is sooooo not worth it.



Well, Just say your not ready. He might not even mean it in that way. If he asked just say no and That your not ready if he truly likes you he will wait.

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