Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hey guys, i'm headed off to this chicas house and i need some advice..?

well she is my best friends sister, and i'm going up there to watch the nba finals game 5. i like her and i am about 85 percent sure she likes me. if there is a situation where we are alone, what can i do to manuever the conversation over to who she likes? what other things can i look at to find out if she likes me?Hey guys, i'm headed off to this chicas house and i need some advice..?
go with the flow and just let what happens, happens.Hey guys, i'm headed off to this chicas house and i need some advice..?
Body language. Body language. Body Language. Look into her eyes. Watch for a flirty smile. Don't ask her who she likes. Show interest in her. Sit next to her. when talking to her look her in the eyes and hopefully she will keep her eyes on you or if she isn't the type to keep eye contact then she might be talking and looking away at you but at absolutely nothing. If the tv is on and she is not paying attention to it that is a good sign too. and if you think that things are going good, ask her to hang out a few days from now. ask her out to dinner. not a movie. that is lame. you cant talk to her there. take her to dinner and plan something else... A good way is to take her to dinner and then a cool party. Then she hangs around you all night and thinks your the sweetest guy ever, that is if you impress her and pay for her dinner. Just play it cool
just talk to her normally and she what body expressions she gives you. look in her eyes as you talk. the eyes always give it away. maybe ask her if she wants to go watch a movie one night and see what she say's there is no harm in asking
Sit next to her and give her extra attention, and see how she reacts to it. If she goes along with it, she probably likes you.
if she likes you, you should know it by half time lol

just slide over and stick your tongue down her throat... that will tell you if she really does like you

gd luck!
pay attention to her body language n how much she talks to u

if these r good she likes u so just tell her or give her obvious clues so she'll get da hit
if your are alone and she tries to get close to you go for the move!

that mean shes into yu!

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